Fares for Tahiti-Moorea route

The following fare are in effect since 01/10/2023 (dd/MM/yyyy) and are valid for all the trips between Tahiti and Moorea.

Passengers fares

Adult 1 350 F
Child 2-12  670 F

Tickets are usable during 1 year from the date of purchase. It can be used at any time, without reservation, for any trip between Tahiti and Moorea on the Terevau.

Adult 2 700 F
Child 1 340 F
Moorea Resident 2 100 F

Tickets are valid 1 year from the date of purchase, can be used at any time, without reservation, for any trip between Tahiti and Moorea on the Terevau

Adult 11 100 F
Child 5 800 F
Moorea Resident 10 700 F

Tickets are valid 1 year from the date of purchase, can be used at any time, without reservation, for any trip between Tahiti and Moorea on the Terevau

Vehicle fares

one-way (<125c) 1 180 F
one-way  (>125c) 1 200 F
10 rides (<125/+125) 6760 F

Tickets are usable 1 year from the date of purchase. It can be used at any time, without reservation, for any trip between Tahiti and Moorea on the Terevau.

one-way 260 F
10 rides 2 200 F

Tickets are valid 1 year from the date of purchase, can be used at any time, without reservation, for any trip between Tahiti and Moorea on the Terevau

Va’a ho’e (canoe) 1 160 F
Quad / PGO 3 440 F
Jet Ski + Trailer 3 860 F
Bateau 12″ + Trailer 5 080 F
Vehicle ≤  4,30m long 4 900 F
Vehicle  (4,31 – 4,70m long) 5 070 F
Vehicle (4,71 – 5,20m long) 5 630 F
Vehicle (5,21 – 5,40m long) 6 420 F
Vehicle (5,41 – 5,70m long) 8 780 F
Vehicle  > 5,70m long 11 150 F

Reservation is required for any vehicles to guarantee availability for any trip between Tahiti and Moorea on the Terevau.